Doubled Bass Project - Jazz Band

Two jazz bass players and a drummer with original songs

Two jazz bass guitar players (László Kiss G and Márton Kiss G) and a jazz drummer (Gábor Oláh) formed the unusual jazz-formation, Doubled Bass Project in 2018. The repertoire of the jazz trio consists of own songs and also unique adaptations of Weather Report’s, Joe Wavinul’s, Béla Fleck’s, Victor Bailey’s music. They give central role to the bass guitars and drums in their compositions. László Kiss G. and Márton Kiss G. compose the original Doubled Bass Project songs. Their music is a creative mix of melodic grooves and solos that allow a wide range for improvisation and also the role of the jazz drums is highlighted in their jazz music productions. The drummer, Gábor Oláh considers his instrument as a tool or a frame of expression while playing virtuoso rhythm-changes and unique tones that recall several percussion instruments in his drum solo sections.
The three musicians are strainlessly and pleasantly connected on stage. The members of the jazz formation live at the Lake Velence and rehearse at Dinnyés. The jazz trio is a unique jazz delicacy, they perform at open-air jazz festivals, jazz-clubs and music related cultural events with pleasure.
Doubled Bass Project - Jazz Band
Gárdony, Csók István tér 3., 2483
Kinga Tamas: +36 (20) 277 4778
Laszlo Kiss G.: +36 (20) 535 6004
Last update: 20-02-2020